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The Meeting That Almost Happened

There have been a few times that I have wanted certain meetings.

Last week I went to San Francisco for pleasure, but I had my heart set on meeting with a huge company.  I had a friend of mine set up a meeting with a top guy at the company.  He replied eager to meet with a day option as well as a night time offer that would be much less formal.  I just knew it was going to happen.  Also, I recently met someone else at the company who seemed to be eager to meet.  I reached out to her.  As I left Atlanta, I had multiple meetings set up with one of the companies that are on a short list of my dream meetings.

None of the meetings happened.

Every single option fell through.  I spent time prepping before I left for the trip.  I woke up early some days leading up to meeting day.  I would catch myself running conversations through my head that might unfold.  All of it was a waste of time.

Then I realized, that this meeting was running in the back of my mind.. and this was supposed to be a vacation! At that moment I made a decision.  I’m not going to spend my time pursuing other people. It’s taking away from what I need to be doing.

Remembering my dads words, “If what you’re doing is worth knowing…” they’ll want to meet with you.
So until then, I’m back at home and working with more determination than ever.
Not more determined to get that meeting, but more determined to do the great work I’m called to do.
When the time is right, that meeting will happen. Or it may never happen, and that may be the right thing.

When you spend time pursing people, it takes away from what you could be accomplishing. 


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