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Execution Quotes

As an entrepreneur, each day can be a totally different journey.

I love staying in creative mode and generating new ideas to make things better.
However, those ideas cannot move forward without execution.
This week I am dedicating to execution.
Here are a couple quotes I am keeping at the forefront of my thoughts for motivation…
Anyone can have a great idea in the shower, it’s what happens when you towel off that matters.” – Jim Schell

No Action Steps, no action, no results… Action steps are to be revered and treated as sacred in any project.” – Scott Belsky

Vision without execution is hallucination.” -Thomas A. Edison

Making ideas actually happen boils down to self-discipline and the ways in which you take action.” – Scott Belsky

1. If you’re in a week of execution leave a note of what you’re working on. Maybe others are on the same type project.
2. If you have tips you always use to stay focused and execute, let us know.
Now, back to work…

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